High School Age

After college, Greg became a substitute teacher. On the civic side, he launched a mentoring program and started a foundation. In these roles, he worked &/or volunteered with students in different age groups -- including high school. Greg's efforts to help students have been featured by media like College Bound and Newsweek Kaplan College Guide. He has received honors like the Jefferson Award for Public Service. The books based on his story include a detailed look at his own experiences as a high school student as well as his efforts as an adult trying to help high school students reach their educational goals. SCROLL DOWN

The book, The First Thirty, is geared to 6th-12th grade students. The books and companion workbooks (A Place To Sit) have been used by high schools -- with a class (e.g. English course), a group (e.g. Student Council), a grade (e.g. Graduation Gift for every senior), or an all-school read. The books and workbooks also have been used by nonprofits that work with high school students. In some cases, nonprofits or other groups have gotten the books for a 'common read' for trips, civic programs, leadership programs, or a program preparing teens for college. SCROLL DOWN

Greg has spoken at events involving high school students-- including guest lectures, workshops, assemblies, annual events (e.g. Graduation) and conferences. He also has served as Scholar-in-Residence for programs for high school students that travel abroad. He has spoken at many events and conferences for adults who work with high school students as well.