visual art
Greg has created three collections of art. The primary one -- a collection of portraits -- is called My Sleepless Nights. It has been exhibited at events in different countries and featured in media like Art World News. The name of the collection came from the fact that he frequently worked on his drawings very late at night (Most of the rest of the time, he would work on them at a local cafe). At an event in Canada, he received the Portraits in Humanity Award -- for using the arts to make a difference. Two of his books (The First Thirty, The Silhouette Man) include a focus on visual art in the story. He is co-illustrator of another book (The Milkshake Man). For a number of magazines, he has interviewed people who work in the arts. He has spoken about art and creativity at conferences, schools, and events in the U.S. and abroad (e.g. event for the donors of a museum in Africa). To see two of Greg's 'portraits in progress' click here.