Guided by his bond with his late Grandma, Greg has spent a lot of time with retired people. After college, he volunteered with older adults on a weekly basis and started a program that brought hundreds of other volunteers to a nursing home. When he travels to other cities to speak at a school or conference, he frequently does a separate private event for a nearby retirement community's residents. In some cases, he has served as 'Grandkid-in-Residence' at a community for seniors. Over the years, he has been given other fun roles involving seniors -- such as 'Grand(kid) Marshal' for the Vintage Games. SCROLL DOWN
At an event in Canada, the book (The Silhouette Man) based on Greg's story was honored as a book that celebrates the wisdom of older adults. The books have been used extensively with seniors. The books also have been used with employees who serve seniors, adults & youth who volunteer to support seniors, and/or intergenerational programs. For more information, visit