Greg's first jobs as a teen, in college & after college were all in the restaurant/food industry. Since college, he has coordinated & hosted (or co-hosted) more than 300 meals & events to bring people together. They have taken place in the USA, Canada & Africa. For his efforts, he has received some meaningful honors (i.e. honorary degree in Hospitality Management) and has been featured by media like Nation's Restaurant News and Beverage World. The TV show, Good Morning America, buried a Time Capsule which chronicled his efforts to bring people together for brunches. He has worked for the media as well -- interviewing people (i.e. a Q&A with a chef) for various publications. SCROLL DOWN
The books based on Greg's story highlight how group meals & banquets/galas help bring a community together. The books, companion workbooks & book-related posters have been used internally (i.e. for their own staff or customers) & externally (i.e. for local students & teachers) by many restaurants & other F&B-related groups & associations. Many restaurants have participated in The Elevator Project (and in turn, many restaurant employees have been selected as The Elevator Project honorees. Greg has been invited to speak at events for F&B-related audiences (i.e. events for staff of General Mills and Coca-Cola North America, a convention for companies who make & sell ice cream). In other cases, he has spoken at events focused on food/meals (i.e. Food for Thought event). In some cases, F&B-related groups (i.e. The Republic of Tea) have sponsored his speech at a school. On a personal level, he has spent time working on farms, &/or shadowing chefs in the kitchen. During the Pandemic, Greg has teamed up with organizations (i.e. Kenai Peninsula Food Bank) on activities involving the books.
JOE PRESTEJOHN, OWNER, CABOT'S ICE CREAM & RESTAURANT: " [The Silhouette Man is] a fun reminder that products like ours put smiles on people's faces."
LENARD ZOHN, FOUNDER, AUTISM EATS: "....[The First Thirty] shows what is possible when we celebrate difference and include others at our table.... [the story of] a man who found his calling to bring people of diverse backgrounds together and build much needed community and understanding."
JIM KALLIERIS, PRINCIPAL, WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, ILLINOIS: "The Milkshake Man ... is an ideal all-school read for (elementary) schools that want every student to feel welcome at the lunch table."
LENARD ZOHN, FOUNDER, AUTISM EATS: "....[The First Thirty] shows what is possible when we celebrate difference and include others at our table.... [the story of] a man who found his calling to bring people of diverse backgrounds together and build much needed community and understanding."
JIM KALLIERIS, PRINCIPAL, WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, ILLINOIS: "The Milkshake Man ... is an ideal all-school read for (elementary) schools that want every student to feel welcome at the lunch table."