College Bound / First Year / Orientation Programs

Greg has spoken at events for different audiences around the U.S. and other countries -- including events for college-bound students, new college students, and adults who work with college-bound students & current college students. The book based on Greg's story, The Silhouette Man, includes an in-depth look at his college experience -- especially his first year. The book, its condensed edition (The First Thirty) &/or the companion workbooks (A Place To Sit) have been used by programs, clubs or courses at many colleges -- including First Year courses/programs. In other cases, programs at universities have ordered the books for teens (e.g. future college students) near their campus and/or ordered copies of the book-related posters for younger students. Programs for teens focused on college (e.g. 'Life After High School' in NY and the 'Latino College Fair' in CO) -- have gotten the books and/or workbooks for the students at their events. A number of high schools have gotten the books for every senior as a graduation gift. Greg's previous experiences as a student -- especially his last year of his high school and first year of college -- have been featured by media like College Bound, College News, Newsweek Kaplan College Guide, Education Week and The Washington Post.