event feedback - learning differences
A sample of feedback from those who work with students who think & learn differently (&/or from related events)
Patrick Brandt, Training Initiatives in Biomedical & Biological Sciences (UNC), Office of Science/Training/Diversity: “Greg is living proof of Dr. King’s words - "Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”
Debbie, teacher, Pennsylvania: "This graduation is certainly one of the best I have seen....I think [his way of navigating a mind that works differently] has great potential for helping some of our students...Greg's system...has great appeal to me because it is student-centered...[it focuses on] respecting the students' learning differences, not trying to change them..."
Eileen, teacher in Pennsylvania: "...The students know the truth when they hear it, and that is what he delivered...The graduation speech was very poignant and moving. It was the perfect blend of who he is, what a person with a learning difference could do, and how students and parents could learn to help each other to accept that "different" is ok...He said exactly what people needed to hear..."
Bob H, parent, Kentucky: “The discussion…hit home…It was refreshing to hear Greg speak of positive aspects of a child who learns differently.”
Timothy, parent, Pennsylvania: "It was a great pleasure meeting Greg & hearing him speak at the school...I am reading the book The First Thirty & find it truly inspirational...My son...has been diagnosed with a mild form of autism...Over the years, working with wonderful teachers, support staff and strong family bonds have certainly made things easier. I hope meeting Greg & reading his story will also help. I’ve [hung] the poster [based on The First Thirty]...for me and my son to see daily."
Chrystal, PhD student, North Carolina: “As a female and minority student who worked my way up to doctoral studies, I [believe] Greg’s message is a wonderful one that minority students who strive to be scientists, engineers, physicists & mathematicians can use to see their differences are in fact their strengths.”
Mr. Williams, teacher in California: “As the learning specialist…my personal interest is in exploring the concept of cognitive diversity… Anyway, I just wanted to voice my appreciation.....a fantastic presentation."
To inquire about an event with Greg, click Here
To order copies of the books, please click Here
Patrick Brandt, Training Initiatives in Biomedical & Biological Sciences (UNC), Office of Science/Training/Diversity: “Greg is living proof of Dr. King’s words - "Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”
Debbie, teacher, Pennsylvania: "This graduation is certainly one of the best I have seen....I think [his way of navigating a mind that works differently] has great potential for helping some of our students...Greg's system...has great appeal to me because it is student-centered...[it focuses on] respecting the students' learning differences, not trying to change them..."
Eileen, teacher in Pennsylvania: "...The students know the truth when they hear it, and that is what he delivered...The graduation speech was very poignant and moving. It was the perfect blend of who he is, what a person with a learning difference could do, and how students and parents could learn to help each other to accept that "different" is ok...He said exactly what people needed to hear..."
Bob H, parent, Kentucky: “The discussion…hit home…It was refreshing to hear Greg speak of positive aspects of a child who learns differently.”
Timothy, parent, Pennsylvania: "It was a great pleasure meeting Greg & hearing him speak at the school...I am reading the book The First Thirty & find it truly inspirational...My son...has been diagnosed with a mild form of autism...Over the years, working with wonderful teachers, support staff and strong family bonds have certainly made things easier. I hope meeting Greg & reading his story will also help. I’ve [hung] the poster [based on The First Thirty]...for me and my son to see daily."
Chrystal, PhD student, North Carolina: “As a female and minority student who worked my way up to doctoral studies, I [believe] Greg’s message is a wonderful one that minority students who strive to be scientists, engineers, physicists & mathematicians can use to see their differences are in fact their strengths.”
Mr. Williams, teacher in California: “As the learning specialist…my personal interest is in exploring the concept of cognitive diversity… Anyway, I just wanted to voice my appreciation.....a fantastic presentation."
To inquire about an event with Greg, click Here
To order copies of the books, please click Here
All those cited above are generally cited by their affiliation with organizations &/or companies to which they belonged at the time they provided the review. (For instance, if someone is listed as being employed by a particular organization, that means they were employed by that organization at the time they provided the event feedback. They may or may not still be employed there now).